Innovative Green Projects Funding Programs
No Matter how small or Large the Green Energy System that you consider installing, funding is an essential component to consider during initial planning. While it’s always the right decision to implement Renewable Energy Projects, as they will always deliver a high ROI ratio, allocating the necessary fund can sometimes be a complex endeavor.
First Energy Systems’ unique & smart Flex-Buy and Flex-Lease programs were created to answer even the most challenging funding situations. With more than 30 different choices to choose from in each of these two programs, you’re almost guaranteed to find one that will best fit your needs.
Buying Smart
When purchasing a Solar System, there always comes the question of, how much does the system cost? The real cost of purchasing a solar system is determined by many factors, Purchase Price, or Price Point, is but ONE of them! Including in professional consideration should be:
- Initial Down Payment.
- IRS Tax Credit (ITC rebate).
- Financing Cost.
- Tax Liability.
- Monthly Payments.
- Depreciation Benefits.

Product Value at the end of the contract is also an important item, but since we have a long product lifetime (20+ years), we will consider that to be negligible. The value resulted, from considering all the above items, is called: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
First Energy Systems, Flex-Buy Program, is based on this accounting principle. The calculation shows using the Flex-Buy program will yield a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) even if the stated purchase price used in the Flex-buy method is higher than that used in Cash or Classic Finance purchase.
The above example shows that Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for a $198,454 Solar System, when purchased for cash, financed through a financial institute, or purchased using Flex-Buy program (TOC) method will be ($191,707), (171,869), and ($129,657) respectively. It also shows that even if the stated Cash Price is $66,152 less, the actual Total Cost of Ownership for a Cash Purchase is $62,050 more! (due to rebates and tax advantages). When you add the above savings to the fact that the Flex-Buy program requires NO Out-ofPocket Money and NO Down Payment, the WINNER for best choice purchase method becomes clear and obvious.
First Energy Systems Flex-Buy Program. First Energy Systems offers Flex-Buy Financing and guarantees the Lowest Cost of Ownership. Our Flex-Buy financing gets you 2 loans, each for 50% of the Solar System cost to cover it ALL.
Loan # 1 is a Zero Interest loan, due on June of the year following system installation (that is AFTER you get your Credits and rebates of 55% of the system cost) *.
Loan # 2 is an In-House, 20-Year loan with a Zero Interest rate. Payment of which starts on June of the year following system installation (that is AFTER you get your Credits and rebates of 55% of the system cost) *.
Note: Loan #1 can be restructured with up to 5 annual payments & No-Interest (fees apply) *
(*) Subject to qualifications, terms & restrictions. Qualification for Loan #2 is automatic if the client qualifies for Loan #1
First Energy Systems Flex-Buy Program
First Energy Systems unique & smart Flex-Buy program allows you to:
- Make your TAX Dollars work for you by using them as a Down payment towards your Solar System so you can reduce your monthly energy bill.
- Pick your Discount & Chose your Payment.*
- No out-of-pocket money, pay as little down as your Tax Credit (and when you get it!)*
- Pay-As-You-Go, Take a 20-Year, No Interest, In-House Finance*
- Depreciate your system in 1 – 5 years.*
Unload your solar system When-You-Wish! The industry only, No-Risk, No-Questions BUY-BACK guarantee program.
- Lowest Cost of Ownership.